1. Are you male or female?
Male 0 Female 0
2. How often do you buy music magazines?
Please tick one
Weekly 0 Monthly 0
Other __________
3. What do you most like to see in your music magazine?
Tick which apply to you, up to 5.
Interviews0 Cover Stories0 Headlines0
Gig information0 Reviews0 Pictures of bands/artists0
Upcoming Artists0 Upcoming CD’s0 New song releases0
4. Who is your favourite Rock Band/Artist? Please state why.
5. Do you buy Rock CD’s or do you prefer to download your music?
Tick which one applies
Download music0 Buy CD’s0 Both0
6. What you prefer to see a band or artist on the front cover of a music magazine? Please state why.
Band0 Artist0
Reason why
7. Do you prefer a busy or plain background?
Please tick one
Busy0 Plain0
8. How do you like the appearance of your music magazine to be?
Tick one
Bright and colourful0 Black and white0 Mixture0
9. What typeface (font style) do you prefer to see used on a music magazine?
Italic 0 Bold0 Big0 Small0 Other____________
10. How much money are you willing to spend on a music magazine?
£0-£2.500 £2.50-£5.000 More0
11. Now please list your favourite Rock music magazine.
Thankyou for your time.
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